About EZ Surety Bonds

EZ Surety Bonds is a website designed with the customer in mind. Our bonding process gives customers the ability to review their surety bond, track the bond's delivery, get updates regarding their bonds, and most importantly, receive a surety bond instantly!

EZ Surety Bonds is an online leader in offering surety bonds to customers at the best price possible.

Many of our surety bonds can be applied for, quoted, and purchased instantly online. When a bond requires a credit check (which is always done as a soft credit pull), we work with over 10 surety bond markets to find you a quote that suits your needs.

Founded in 2000, EZ Surety Bonds is owned and operated by BOSS Bonds, a friendly and experienced team of agents and customer service professionals, located in Cincinnati, OH. In 2016, EZSuretyBonds and BOSS Bonds were purchased by General Indemnity Group, strengthening our vision of allowing customers to apply for bonds and receive an instant quote online for as many bonds as possible.

About EZ Surety Bonds

Bond News and Articles

With EZ Surety Bonds you can get your bond INSTANTLY, completely online.
Just search for your bond, answer a few simple questions and print your bond.